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0117 955 5038


REACT! Client Group

A shot of houses in Bristol

The group may interest you if:

  • You would like to meet more positive people;
  • You would like to increase your confidence;
  • You would like to develop skills;
  • You are feeling isolated;
  • You would like to be involved in exciting events.

REACT! facilitates a mixture of events from day trips to places of interest to skills workshops. We welcome family and partners to some events, whilst others we reserve solely for HIV+ people. It is entirely up to you which events and workshops you would like to attend: come as little or as often as you like, you will always be warmly welcomed.

For most events we expect a small financial contribution, but please talk to us if this is a problem for you.

© Brigstowe  Registered charity no. 1049945. Company Limited by Guarantee no 3107835

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