Take a read of our mini newsletter where you will find our Christmas opening times, Clinic opening times as well as some last minute gift ideas.
Latest News
Here you can find the latest news and updates from The Brigstowe Project
World AIDS Day 2019
Here it is, the moment you have all been waiting for…..The World AIDS Day 2019 Programme. Here you will be able to find out more on all the events we have planned during a packed 2- week programme. From a flag raising outside City Hall, a film screening, talks to the Main Event where we Read More
Winter Newsletter
Click the link to read all of the latest goings on in our Winter Newsletter
Latest News
A lot of stuff is happening with Brigstowe this weekend. Aled did a video with BBC Radio Bristol talking about Stigma and Dating which was posted on the BBC News website. At one point this morning it was the most watched video- Here’ s the link- https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-england-bristol-49503382/hiv-harassment-bristol-man-on-the-abuse-strangers-send If on social media then BBC Radio Bristol have posted Read More
Another way to donate using Invictus Active
Invictus Active, one of the leading mobility and active lifestyle retailers in the UK, now offer a donation to a charity when customer purchases one of their products. It’s an easy process and all you need to do is select Brigstowe after checkout for us to receive the donation. Check out their website here: http://www.invictusactive.com
Summer Newsletter 2019
Spring-Easter Newsletter 2019
This edition we welcome Aled and Clare to the team as well as letting you all know how you can get involved with our work.
Brigstowe’s Newsletter 2019
We are currently recruiting for a Fundraising & Comunications Manager and also have Trustees Vacancies. This edition will have some information on these roles, you will be able to check how well we (ALL) did with organising and raising funds for World AIDS Day and other info. Happy Readings x January Newsletter
Brigstowe Winter Newsletter 2018
Hello! Welcome to Brigstowe’s mini winter newsletter. You’ll find information on opening times, World AIDS Day events and useful phone numbers. Happy reading. x Winter Newsletter
Brigstowe’s Autumn Newsletter looks back on a jam-packed Summer, looks forward to what we have going on over the next few months, as well as updates, articles and HIV info. Give it a read! Brigstowe Autumn Newsletter 2018