My Favourite Voucher Codes was established back in 2012, and they have saved money for
their users whilst raising money for incredible causes every month. They have donated over
£62,000 for hundreds of different causes.
We are excited to be taking part in their December Charity Poll, and we need your help!
The more support Brigstowe receives in the charity poll, the higher chance that we win the
donation. It takes less than 30 seconds to vote, so please read on to find out how and cast your
How To Cast a Vote in the Charity Poll to Support Brigstowe:
Follow this simple 4 step process to have your say in December’s Charity Poll:
1 Click here to land on MFVC’s home page
2 Locate the poll on the right side of the home page when browsing on a PC, or scroll down a
little to find the poll on a Mobile Device
3 Select Brigstowe
4 Click on the vote button to validate your say.
How Does the My Favourite Voucher Codes Charity Poll Work?
Every time a user makes a purchase online via My Favourite Voucher Codes , they contribute to
the donation amount without any additional cost to them. Saying that, if you love a bargain
online, get your shopping done with MFVC and support fantastic causes every month. EverY
time you cast a vote or shop with them, you will have a huge impact on non-profit organisations
who are working towards a better, safer and healthier world every day.
The winning charity is decided by the visitors of their website. Every visitor can vote free of
charge without sharing any personal details or subscribing to a newsletter! At the end of the
month, the charity who has the most votes will win the donation, which is why we need your
support. The poll will be running from the 1st – 31st December, and you can cast your vote any
time during this period, so be sure to share it with your colleagues, friends and neighbours to
give us the best chance!